Earnestly Contend
Encouraging Believers. Defending the Faith.
The Ethiopian Plowboy
The Bible isn’t hard for man to understand; it is impossible for man to understand without the help of the Holy Spirit.
My Fear in the Plea
In all the talk about the Bible, the element of education seems to be missing.
Facts vs. Feelings
If you notice the trends of modern culture, you might have noted that a lot of decisions that people make and reactions that they have are emotionally driven. If you have ever thought, “That person should have stopped to think first,”...
Romans 13 and COVID-19
Fourteen months ago, we entered into an era unlike any other in our lifetime. The COVID-19 pandemic changed almost everything about our daily routines. Churches had to wrestle with the question of how to respond to the crisis. On the one hand, we had to consider the...
The First Ministry of a Christian Worker
It is easy for Christian workers to become so involved in ministering to others that they neglect their personal walk with God. Christian workers who neglect to “take heed unto” themselves will be less effective in their ministry, and possibly even become a detriment to the ministry
A Great Work
Anytime anyone does a work for God, Satan will do everything in his power to prevent the work from happening. While Bible illustrations of this truth could be multiplied, let’s consider the man Nehemiah. The task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem gives a great...
Google Is Not Your Pastor
Here are three reasons you should search the heart of your pastor for counsel before you search social media and the internet.
The Morality of Music
It was a less-than-average Wednesday night. The prayer meeting had begun with fewer attendees than normal. You could tell people had had a difficult week and needed some church encouragement. Suddenly, our service was interrupted with very loud (I mean loud)...
Bad circumstances will come from time to time; but God remains faithful through it all. The question that each believer must answer is this: Where will I allow my mind to dwell?
Managing Your “Trust” Fund
Each of us has a trust fund, but it’s not the kind that the wealthy set up for their heirs to enjoy a lucrative income for a lifetime. This kind of "trust" fund is the combination of influence and reliability that you build up over a lifetime. Though it is invisible...
Social Media Distancing
With the spat of regulations coming in from governors across the nation, we have learned that social distancing is the number one method of preventing the COVID-19 from spreading to others. That phrase, “social distancing,” carries with it the idea of removing...